Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Training Computer:Windows Vista speech recognition

I know that XP has some capabilities for voice recognition. However, the version of Vista is much better than the XP version, which is virtually a new feature.

Speech recognition is a feature of Vista that allows you to perform many tasks by talking rather than typing or clicking. It is a great solution to the problems caused by drivers that make it difficult to use the mouse and keyboard. But it's also useful if you just can not write worth beans. You can use voice recognition to open programs, folders and files, make selections in the dialog boxes, you normally dictate text that the exchange rate, and more. To use voice recognition, you need a microphone. A USB headset microphone with noise cancellation to filter out background sound is the best. If you do not have one, you can buy at any place that sells art geek. To see examples or online purchase, go to an online store (www.cdw.com, www.newegg.com, www.tigerdirect.com, www.walmart.com, www.amazon.com, or whomever you like) and search for USB headset microphone.

As I write this article, speech recognition is only available for English (United States and Great Britain), Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, German, French and Spanish. Others may be available by the time you read this book. Search the Web or the Microsoft Web site for Vista speech recognition engine for existing information resources.

After you have a microphone, to learn enough about that plug into the computer, make sure it is not muted, and control its volume (if you have mute and volume controls). Plug into the computer and wait a few seconds for Vista to see and display a notice that it's ready to use. Then try to set aside about an hour, where you can have some peace and quiet without interruptions so you can learn to use speech recognition. If you supply the microphone and time, Vista will provide training, as discussed in the next section.
Getting started with voice recognition

The first step to use speech recognition is to connect the microphone to the computer as per the manufacturer's instructions. The second step is to open the Speech Recognition control panel using the technique is easier for you.

If the voice recognition control panel is already open and running, right-click your microphone or notification area icon and select Settings -> Open Speech Recognition Control Panel.

- Click the Start button and choose Control Panel -> ease of access -> Options speech recognition.

- Click the Windows key, type SPE, and click Options speech recognition.

- If you're already on the ease of access Center, click the arrow next to the ease of access on the trail of crumbs and select Options speech recognition.

His first time to learn how to use speech recognition starts when you click Start Speech Recognition. May be accessed through the entire process of setting things and learn to do things. (Assuming you have not already been through that process.) I will not repeat everything in the tutorial here because you are doing the best that the tutorial on the screen tells you to do. If you pay attention and try things that he said were of him at the speed in the fundamentals of using speech recognition. If you can not do it through the entire tutorial, click Set-up microphone or take Tutorial voice when it might reopen. As in all things related to the use of a computer, when investing in learning will save you hours of hair-pulling frustration later.

Commander of Windows Vista voice

Table 12-3 lists of things you can do by voice control to the desktop in Windows Vista, and program windows that are already open. Speak only the text in monospace font. Another text is a clarification. Replace text in italics with a real name. For example, in the Open programName, say the name of the program instead of programName. Therefore, open WordPad, you would say Open WordPad. However, be aware that if the cursor is in a word processing program or editing text (Word or WordPad, for example), his statement could be taken as dictation and writing in the paper. You can say minimize Word or WordPad to minimize or reduce to a minimum program to prevent that. Formatting text in brackets is a clarification and that is not spoken. Text in italics are not speaking literally. On the contrary, replaced by a spoken name. For example, Open ProgramName meant to say "Open" and then say the name of the program you want to open. For example, to open WordPad you say Open WordPad.

If Folder Options have been adjusted to a single click, it can be difficult to select icons by voice. Consider switching to double-click so you can say and ShiftClick Click to select icons.

Issuing an e-mail message in Windows Vista

Dictate e-mail messages in Windows Mail is pretty easy. The only tricky part is to write the e-mail address, because it contains words that are not in the dictionary. If the person is in your contacts, you can say your name. However, even the names can be tricky. You have to explain them, saying press followed by letter to each type. Optionally, you can add names and domain names for the speech dictionary. Here is an example of the openness of Windows Mail and send a message to a hypothetical beneficiary in alan@coolnerds.com. Dashes indicate pauses in the speech, saying that no "script" or anything else where you see a hyphen. Show Desktop - Open Windows Mail - Create Mail - Alan atsign press Press-COO-in period erds Press Go to the sample to be Message delivered Press Tab'm practicing my voice dictation period. It takes some practice but I think I will get the hang of that new paragraph Period We exclamation Submit.

Do better dictation

Dictation voice is not always easy. It's certainly not like Star Trek, where just say what they want and the computer "understands". Real computers "not understand" nothing to say or write. They are simply meaningless, stupid machines. When using voice recognition and dictation, you're not really "talking" or "talking with" the computer as if it were another person. You are trying to control a machine with his silly voice. Because yours is the only in the brain "talk", the responsibility for getting the job falls on you. The speech recognition flaw often involved when there are homonyms words that sound the same as wood and, to / too / two, and I / IM (try saying that I am rather than in the past). Names and slang terms that are not in the dictionary is often confused with sound similar words from the dictionary. There are things you can do to improve the situation, as discussed in the next three sections.


When the voice recognition is a bad word, for the correction of voice helps you learn their unique style of speaking. To correct a wrong word, right word to say (if the word is the word you want to correct). If the word that appears in several places, each of them will be shown a number. Say the number of the correct word you want, and then say OK. The group opens alternatives. The instructions contained in the group, for example, the corrected number of the word then say OK. Or say I'm going to write it myself and follow the onscreen instructions.

Improve speech recognition

Speech recognition offers little five-minute training sessions to help better recognize your voice. To ensure that you do not think you are dictating, close or minimize any open windows (for example, show the desktop or right-click the clock and select "Show your desktop). So to say stop to listen. Right-click on voice recognition microphone or notification area icon and select Settings -> Improved voice recognition. Then follow the onscreen instructions in the Wizard voice recognition that opens.

There are different types of training sessions available on the same set of commands, so you do not feel that you can choose Settings -> Improved voice recognition only once. You can choose each time you have a spare five minutes to improve speech recognition.

Add words to the dictionary of intervention

The voice recognition works by comparing sound waves from words to say to the words in its dictionary. You can add your own words to the dictionary, remove the words, or change the words. Adding words is especially useful for things like the names of the people, domain names, email addresses, and slang terms.

Advanced speech recognition configuration

Advanced speech recognition options allow you to choose a speech recognition engine (languages), the automatic starter, and much more. To arrive at these options, open the Speech Recognition Control Panel. Right-click voice recognition microphone or notification area icon (if available) and select Settings -> Open Speech Recognition Control Panel. If not using any method described in "Getting started with voice recognition" earlier in this article. The options are:

- Language: Choose the option of voice recognition to match the language in which he spoke.

- Profiles of recognition: Use this option to allow multiple users to define their own profiles of expression. Each user can form the independent voice recognition for best accuracy.

- Run Speech Recognition in the beginning: If you clear this checkbox, you can still start the voice recognition manually by clicking Start, selecting All Programs -> Accessories -> ease of access -> Speech Recognition.

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