Monday, August 25, 2008

Mozilla faster Web applications with Firefox 3.1

Mozilla: faster Web applications with Firefox 3.1
Firefox 3.1 will operate on many Web applications such as Gmail faster with the inclusion of a feature called TraceMonkey which dramatically speeds up programs written in JavaScript, Mozilla said Friday.

JavaScript has been widely used to add pizzazz or flexibility to Web pages over the years, but in recent years, it has also become the plumbing for many rich Internet applications. However, because JavaScript has been hampered by Pokey performance, Web applications often find it difficult to work as responsively as "native" software directly usable on a PC, writing and Web applications programmers have often turned to other options Such as Adobe Systems Flash and Flex.

Mozilla now hopes to shift the balance of power in favour of JavaScript.

"TraceMonkey is a project aimed at native code to JavaScript speed," said Mike Shaver, Mozilla's Vice President of Engineering, adding that JavaScript performance almost double compared to Firefox 3.0, SunSpider the basis of test JavaScript. The speed of many basic tasks, but it also makes editing of images and 3D graphics capabilities in JavaScript, he said.

On Thursday, Mozilla programmers TraceMonkey built in the last version developer of open-source web browser, and it will appear in the next test version published, which will probably be the first beta of Firefox 3.1, Shaver said. Firefox 3.1 is due in final form by the end of the year, although Mozilla is willing to let the timetable slip a bit, if necessary.

JavaScript execution speed can surf the Web snappier, so naturally it is a key element in the resurgence of the browser wars between Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Opera. "We recognize that everybody that the market is competitive again," says Shaver.

The SunSpider JavaScript test shows an increase of 83 percent, depending on programmer and JavaScript pioneer Brendan Eich, who has worked on TraceMonkey and blogged about this on Friday. However, this speed test is an artificial reference which is a perfect reflection of reality JavaScript applications such as Yahoo Zimbra's e-mail software.

Another illustration of TraceMonkey speed is a video editing photo. The contrast and brightness adjustments take about 100 milliseconds instead of over 700.

Shaver TraceMonkey discussed on its own blog.

TraceMonkey explained
TraceMonkey name is a cross between SpiderMonkey, Mozilla's current engine for interpreting JavaScript code, and a technique known as research developed at the University of California at Irvine by Andreas Gal and others. TraceMonkey Gal is the principal architect, said Shaver.

TraceMonkey is what we call a just-in-time compiler, a type of technology that solves the problem of conversion programs written by humans into instructions a computer can understand.

Most software running on the computers of people is already compiled in advance what is known as a binary file, but JavaScript is generally interpreted line by line, as it is created, a slower process. "We are reaching the end of what you can do with an interpreter," said Shaver.

A just-in-time compiler, however, that creates binary file on the fly as the code happens - when a person visiting a new Web page, and the browser encounter JavaScript, for example.

TraceMonkey focuses solely on the translation selected priority parts of the software. By tracking and recording the execution of JavaScript programs, TraceMonkey is repeated loops of activity where programs often spend much time. These loops actual behaviour of software are then compiled into instructions the computer can understand.

However, some compilers translate the entire program, a heavy mapping process that involves all possible ways the computer can take the code and try to understand who are the most important. Tracing technology, based on programme implementation, focusing on areas which are actually the computer.

"It allows us to concentrate our energies on optimizing the parts of the program is most important," said Shaver.

This means that the concentration TraceMonkey does not require much memory or a slow-loading plug-in, Shaver said. And it also means that it is preferable for mobile devices, one of the main focuses for Mozilla browser development.

There is still much work to be done to improve Web-based applications, though. Mozilla next priority is to improve the DOM - the document object model elements of Web browsers that are in charge of drawing and manipulating the Web page in general.

Although TraceMonkey is being built in the new version of Firefox 3.1 developer, it is off by default initially. "We did this because we want to obtain feedback wider," said Shaver.

Also in Firefox 3.1
Other significant changes will arrive in Firefox 3.1, Shaver said.

Support is to put a JavaScript programs. Threads are sequences of instructions, and newer multicore processors are able to execute several threads simultaneously. Software for the support that will result in programs JavaScript can perform certain tasks better background, "said Shaver.

Another integration of the ability to play music encoded with the format Ogg Vorbis and video encoded with the format Ogg Theora. These formats, while not as widely used or supported as rivals such as MP3, are free of constraints property such as patents, said Shaver, and can therefore be added to an open-source project such as Firefox .

"We are very pleased to be unused, really open-source video on the Web," said Shaver. The support also works on all operating systems supports Firefox.

Mozilla Firefox start more actively encouraging users to upgrade to the current version soon. In roughly the next two weeks, Firefox 2 users begin to get messages to upgrade to version 3, Shaver said.

Currently, when a copy of Mozilla Firefox 2 servers check to see if an upgrade servers not saying to move all the way to version 3, so that users must manually update .

"We are trying to do in the next two weeks," said Shaver. "The majority of users are still on Firefox 2."

Featured Freeware WikiTaxi

The idea behind WikiTaxi is so simple that the usefulness of it should be obvious: Take line Wikipedia. How cool is that? The real question is, is not it? Is it even possible to take the huge online encyclopedia offline in a usable format?
Surprisingly, the answer is yes. WikiTaxi compresses all of Wikipedia in a database search, quite usable, and small enough to fit on a USB key 8 Go It takes the Wikipedia database landfill every few weeks, keeping the people outside a line updated with the latest changes. There is also an option in the program and update yourself, if you happen to company close enough to an Internet connection.

As a single file app, WikiTaxi is easy to manage - hence portability. To install, extract the file to any folder. When you open it opens to a page chosen at random, and you can navigate from there. WikiTaxi Wikipedia leaves behind images to keep the file size down, if you need graphics this is maybe not for you. Also, given the nature of WikiTaxi, do not forget that the external links are not supported for obvious reasons. Internal links should still work, though. For a growing number of people try to take advantage of Internet resources available online without any distractions, WikiTaxi chip is a bus around one of the best tools on the Web.

Moving your iTunes library from PC to Mac

Making the transition from a PC to a Mac and want to bring your iTunes library with you? There are more than one way to skin this cat, but here is a relatively painless method, we used recently. We love this technique for its simplicity, however, there are drawbacks. If you invested a lot of time creating playlists, adding album art, advice and songs in iTunes, that metadata does not copy over following the instructions below. Users concerned about the transfer of all metadata bits of their old iTunes library should take the road over the export and edit an XML file iTunes (which are not covered here). With that warning, here is a quick method for migrating your iTunes library.

1. Mise en Scene

First, make sure you use the latest version of iTunes on your Mac and your PC.

2. If you have an iPod, it is multi-platform

Just because you put a Mac in your house, does not mean that your old PC is chopped liver. You never know when you want May to synchronize your iPod to your PC, just for old times sake. This step will synchronize your iPod to your Mac and your PC without hassle. To do this, connect your PC to the iPod format to your Mac. iTunes will launch and present you with an error screen asking if you want to delete this iPod and synchronize with the iTunes library. Do not panic. We are not going to erase your iPod. Take a deep breath and select "Cancel".
Your iPod icon should appear in the iTunes window to the left window (blue background). Select the iPod so that the summary information for your iPod appears in the main window (see below). Check "manually manage music and videos." By enabling this feature, your iPod can be seen by users of Macs and Windows machines without invites you to delete or overwrite your files. 

3. Transferring music purchased on iTunes

If you have your iPod connected to your new Mac is a good time to take advantage of iTunes can copy files purchased from your iPod to iTunes (if only Apple has also easy to copy the rest of your music !). We'll show you how to transfer the rest of your music collection later, but for now, we will simply transfer your songs purchased (if any).

Go to the File menu in iTunes and select "Transfer Purchases from iPod." This will trigger analysing iTunes for your iPod for purchases of songs and add them to your computer's music library. May iTunes asks you to go again in the Apple ID (e-mail) and password used for your iTunes Store account to ensure that music bought yours. You May also want to make sure your new computer is authorized to play your purchased music previously going to the iTunes Music Store "menu and selecting" Allow the computer. "With a little luck, you'll be able to find your music in your Mac iTunes music library.
4. Copying the rest of your music

Method 1: If you have your entire digital music collection stored on your iPod, a quick way to transfer all your files from an iPod to a Mac version of iTunes is to download and use a Mac only application called Senuti (iTunes clarified rear).

With your iPod connected to your Mac, and demand Senuti open, you should be able to see the contents of your iPod in iTunes Senuti-like application window. All you have to do now is to select some or all of the songs on your iPod, then click on the Copy button in the upper right corner of Senuti the application window. After a few minutes to copy your iPod files must now appear in all the Macs in your iTunes music library.

Method 2: If your music collection is larger than can reasonably fit on your iPod, you'll need to copy your PC iTunes library on your computer or on an external hard drive (you can also connect your PC and Mac together on an Ethernet connection, but that is another tutorial). Copying your library on an external hard drive is probably the best option because it gives you an opportunity to create a backup archive of your music.

To begin, first you'll need to make sure your PC iTunes library is ready for transport. To make sure all your files are taken into account, open iTunes on your PC and the "Options" menu, select "Consolidating the library." This will ensure that the entire music and video files that you see in iTunes are gathered in a main library in iTunes folder on your computer. This May take several seconds or minutes, depending on your music and libraries are organized. You can also go in iTunes preferences (in the editing menu) and make sure the Advanced tab "Keep iTunes Music folder organized" and "Copy files to the iTunes Music folder…" boxes are checked ( see below).
Then you'll need to locate your PC iTunes library file. It should be located in the My Music folder, found in the My Documents folder on your PC C: / drive. Once you've found the iTunes folder, open it to find the iTunes Music folder. The iTunes Music folder is one you want to copy. It contains all your music perfectly organized into folders. 
At this stage, you can drag the whole iTunes Music folder on your external hard drive, or you can create a new folder on your external hard drive (the name you want) and drag it to selectively only artists , Albums and songs you want to transfer to your Mac. Copy large libraries can take a long time, so be patient. If you have a lot of old podcasts clogging your iTunes library, you want May to remove them from your library before you start copying.

5. Importing your library on your Mac

Unplug your external hard drive of your PC and connect it to your new Mac. Now, run iTunes on your Mac and from the File menu, select "Add to Library…."
A window will appear asking you to locate the files you want to add. Leading to the iTunes library file that you copied to the external drive, and click the big blue "Choose".
After a few minutes, your PC iTunes files should be available in your Mac iTunes library. May You have to spend some time relocation album artwork for some of your old files, but it sure beats burning a tree full of CD-Rs to copy your files between computers.